I had this happen as well. I changed over to a new phone recently, so I had to remove my PaaK old phone, and enter my new phone as a PaaK. During this process, I also blew away the associated password from the original phone/setup. I entered a new password, and it glitches out and fails when...
I fixed this exact rattle. It's the black triangular piece of plastic on the door near the mirror. It's held on by the typical clips you find on the interior. I reseated it and bye bye clicking
Another thing it could be is the child sensor in the truck thinks there's someone still inside and goes off.
My wife's Kia once had a moth inside and it was going off over and over again at 11pm until I figured it out and got the thing out of the car!! Neighbors must have loved me that night ...
There's a pretty cool product where the disconnect is at the meter base and it disconnects the neutral and ground as well as the service lines, allowing to maintain the safety of the trucks GFCI feature and protect linesmen in the field
I noticed that sometimes my truck's beeping noise for the external parking sensors will occasionally completely change to a different beep sound and then revert back to the original at some point. I haven't discerned a pattern yet.