Another item about batteries to consider is that the greater the amperage draw out of the battery the less efficient it is. This occurs because there is internal resistance that produces heat (I squared R losses) and because that internal resistance lowers the output voltage thus calling for a...
My purpose was to cause a consideration of fuel consmed to fuel consumed. Electricity merely moves energy from Point A to Point B. Burning fuel releases energy, electricity transfers it from creation to consumption. That was really all I sought to convey.
At the end of the day run the numbers as you are moved. It is not so simple... As to the emissions, all you do with an electric vehicle is move the tailpipe. Don't interpret these posts as criticizing electric vehices... I've had a hybrid since about 2006... Good vehicle and I've done my part by...
Isaac Asimov once wrote a short paper: In the world of Energy and and Power You Can't Even Break Even. Hence the energy consumed to deliver that electricity into the battery should be allocated to that 123kW-Hrs. Since most grid delivered power comes from a Heat Engine, the Carnot Efficiency...
As to the kW-Hrs consumed by the Rivian, it is misleading. The 123 kW-Hr should be corrected to reflect the energy consumed to generate that electricity. Such a correction for the prime mover that produced the electricity. Then you need to correct that 123kW-Hrs to reflect the actual energy in...