Which is your unscientific rationalization of it. Again, just you seeing what you want to see.
"The warnings inside my truck", so there are pedestrians inside your truck. You do know what we are talking about right?
"Pedestrian warning", which isn't standard now is it.
"Makes just as much...
I never said pedestrians were walking on the freeway, read that again
You are rationalizing.
The fans don't run all the time. Mine rarely run.
Nobody is "listening" to it, the point is that there is a noise to indicate a vehicle is moving nearby.
It's a rule because people WERE getting...
You can realize that the guy with his face in his phone on the highway isn't the same guy, gal, of child in a parking lot, right?
If only there was something that only alerted others when the likely hood of both moving vehicles and pedestrians being in close proximity is high.
This is pretty simple math to be honest.
The issue is the Ford GOM uses FAR to long of a time period for its calculations. A simple kalman filter with a 5-10 minute sliding window would be sufficient.
Frankly this is intern level stuff. And until @Ford Motor Company realizes that being...
You should have the connectivity trial still, is there a Spotify app?
It would be interesting to hear if there is a difference between Spotify in AA and Spotify directly on the system
There is not much buffer on the top. Module voltage at 100% SOC is 4.09v. Nominally max voltage for a NMC pack is 4.2. In the real world that's maybe 20 miles added range, at the expense of chopping battery lifespan in half.
I'll fall back to my original comment were i purposely didn't say "exactly".
You are right, we could get down into things like increased friction in the CV joints, internal resistance of the battery cells themselves, scrub rates of the tires, and as I said longer times at high speeds.
I do...
So somehow accelerating quickly changes what you get on the Interstate at a steady speed? Are you driving this interstate route for 3 miles?
And somehow you drive the same interstate, in the exact same conditions, but sometimes at 55 (what, ten UNDER) but then also drive it at five over.
We have been over this.
The brake lights WILL turn on WITHOUT the mechanical brakes being engaged.
1pd drive uses REGEN to slow down, NOT mechanical brakes, and the brakes lights absolutely ARE engaged without the mechanical brakes.
Stop spreading false information.
Since you had to bring a condescending tone into it we will go ahead and keep it that way.
Your two arguments show you don't understand the point at all.
In the drag strip situation of course the truck that accelerated slower used less energy, it reached a lower speed. It went from zero...
Sorry, I didn't clearly state "for the gas trucks", i see how that was ambiguous.
I don't believe it was ever offered on the Lightning, it was available on the Gas trucks for a while however.
Edit. Ambiguous not ambitions...ugh...
I wouldn't be too upset, Ford did have active suspension available for the Lariate and up however I do believe they discontinued it. He is wrong about the lightning, but that may just be outdated info.
I mean, this is an old comment, but it's still incorrect.
The harder you accelerate the higher the rate by which you consume energy, however you also accelerate for a shorter period of time. The energy used is very very similar regardless of how hard you accelerate.
ICE vehicles have brake...
No, don't throw random arguments in here. My argument stands.
Now if you ALSO want to make an argument about consumer habits, then you can. Please go ahead and put one together.
Being that you did bring consumers into it, in BOTH cases the manufacture and the consumer both will chose not to...
But this is wrong, this is the rhetoric and conflates the issue.
Banning gas cars would mean to prevent their use. To ban. You cannot have them. Nowhere is that happening.
CAFE standards apply to NEW vehicles and new vehicles only. And the standards for new cars should absolutely get more...
It's important to understand that the $7500 isn't a rebate to convince someone to "go green", it's primary purpose is to fund the manufacture for a product that is currently more expensive to manufacture.
Remember, traditional vehicles have had 100 years to build a global supply chain and to...