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  1. 14 hour birding day, my Lightning and -14f temperature

    I'm just lazy and wait to the birds to come to my truck.
  2. Bluecruise 1.4 officially being sent out to F150 & Lightnings starting today (12/11/24)!

    If anyone wanted to be super nice @Ford Motor Company and push the update to my lightning, I have an 850 mile drive tomorrow and 1.4 would make my trip a lot smoother :-)
  3. Hello from Orlando

    Best way to celebrate new years lol
  4. Unleashed system popping noise

    My issue seems to only happen when the car has been off for a while the “deep sleep” then when I unlock and open any door, stereo pop.
  5. Hello from Orlando

    It’s kayak beach near Port Canaveral. Just pulled off from the highway and watched some kite surfers.
  6. Hello from Orlando

    Been stalking the forum for a while and finally picked up my new toy. Switched from a Mach-e I loved but found this amazing lightning and had to pull the trigger.
  7. Unleashed system popping noise

    I thought I was loosing my mind lol. It sounds like a the pop of a speaker being plugged into a stereo when the leads first touch. I have a 22 lariat extended range. @Ford Motor Company, let me know if you come up with a solution or need my info as well.
