Based on the responses here, and the prices,I’m definitely leaning towards tri fold at this point.
Yep, bigger things I just take it off and leave the rails. The bolts are just wingnuts, no tools required. I've got the Ford branded 'rev' one.
Yep some combination of the two would work fine. Either that, or have people choose which way to make it work. I personally would move to the global setting, though it would be nice if it defaulted to 80% like it did in my Tesla when plugged into fast charge.
I once found some mouse droppings in the bed of the truck from one I picked up at my cabin. Luckily, he decided to find a way into my house from the garage at home, where he was promptly stopped.
I've coated everything on the underside with Tomcat repellent, hopefully they never spend enough...
Grizzl-e Duo works really well for two cars and one outlet. If something goes wrong though, they make you send it back, and boy howdy was that fun to pack all the two sets of 25ft cables and the box itself. It also took something like, 70 days for them to replace total. It's not necessarily...
Yep same for my 22. I had no updates since May, then the gateway update Friday, then this one today while I was out. Noticed the Google maps view was not dark mode for a minute, but then saw the battery % on the two suggested destinations. Pretty cool.
I just think it's great that it exists. There were an awful lot of people here and on reddit saying it was a 100% impossibility that there would ever be one.
Seems to be available from Ford:
It wasn't available shortly after I got the notice, and I just kinda forgot about it because I was getting updates just fine. My latest update is last May...
Yeah I had a model 3 for 4 years and the trunk filled with water due to the seal failing, a short in the rear motor killed the 12v repeatedly and had to be taken in twice before they figured it out, required a motor swap. The tires started cupping, they never solved that one. The onboard...
In model 3, which has no AC outlets, people used to get around the 150w limit on the cig lighter by tapping into the heated seats wiring. I wonder if that's a possible route on the lightning for a direct DC source of power?
I usually keep it 50-70% during the week, but charge to ~95% if heading to the Laurel Highlands for the weekend. If I had to guess, even after 8 years, if you are doing things 'wrong', there will be very minimal difference in performance in the end.