I dont have a problem paying the added fee to cover the gas tax. My problem is then the governor decides to pause the gas tax like has done so very frequently. ICE vehicles pay zero tax, while we continue to pay it yearly.
I finally got this fixed. Dealer replaced headlight control module (wasnt the issue) and the headlight itself. Based on the DTC I was pulling and a couple of minutes on all data, I knew the headlight was what needed replacement. I really wasnt going to update this post since its so old but I...
Nada for me. When the Tesla supercharger OTA was announced, it downloaded relatively fast. I keep refreshing the truck to see if blues clues 1.4 has downloaded since I prefer it install in my driveway and not somewhere else; worried about it getting bricked.
Same here. I sat in my truck the day before the trip for a almost a good hour to try and get a proper route. I shouldnt have to spend even 10 minutes to plan a route. I gave up and just used ABRP and Waze for traffic/ road info.
My truck did this last year in the winter. I ignored it and it went away on its own. I suspect some water may have gotten inside and froze, causing the door to stick.
It does precondition. Using towing is a work around. The temp gauge wont really fall below the middle unless the battery pack is cold soaked overnight in low temps. I played with the different modes and selecting towing does force the coolant to lower its temperature.
Just came back from a 1500 mile roundtrip; my god is the nav in the truck worthless. Let me start by saying that I actually once liked the nav when we could plan a route on our phones and push it to the truck. Now that this option isnt available (uhh, why Ford?), here are some gripes:
I have...
I think most people that like the 12 but have the 15 actually enjoy the HVAC buttons and not anything else. If I could have the 15 + HVAC buttons that would be great.
Was the summer efficiency between both tires comparable? So many variables with cold weather its hard to tell. Even a slight headwind in cold weather has an exponential effect compared to warm weather headwind.
Pulling into my driveway the other night, probably not going more than 5 MPH, my cruise control engaged. It lurched forward and started to accelerate towards the garage door. I was able to slam on my brakes and stop mere inches away. I know my hand engaged the CC button but AFAIK, it shouldn't...
Im just saying I would not be cutting it that close. If I knew there was some sort of DCFC enroute, I would have planned a short stop. Atleast enough of a stop to pad my arrival SOC.