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  1. BlueOval Charge Network adds FPL EVolution

    Are you sure it's not exclusive to the 2025 models?
  2. Squirrel Chewed Through Charging Wires

    If I caught the squirrel that did that he would've wished he chewed through the HVB.
  3. Announcing: Expanded Charge Settings – Take Control of Your Charge

    Give FMC a 7 day ban for not answering if it's coming to 22-24 model years.
  4. Announcing: Tesla Superchargers + Connected Navigation

    Put this in a sales brochure because nobody here has a 2025.
  5. Ford Resumes Shipping NACS Charging Adapters (February 2025 batch)

    Received what I believe to be a Tesla adapter. I was under the impression they switched to the Lectron adapters with a Ford logo. Interesting.
  6. Lightning on fire...

    It's concerning to me that so many people immediately call the video staged despite 0 evidence either way. Is it a defense mechanism, or the inability to comprehend that it is indeed possible for an EV to catch on fire? Unfortunately critical thinking seems to be scarce in this thread...
  7. Ford Resumes Shipping NACS Charging Adapters (February 2025 batch)

    73XXX Seems like they've picked up the pace in a big way.
  8. Battery level after setting a departure time

    Just wondering if this happens to anyone else. Could be the extreme cold over the past week. My truck is set to charge to 80%. When I set a departure time and leave 10-15min later the battery drops approx 4% within the first 1-2 minutes of driving. The truck is connected to a 240V 32A level...
  9. Finally! A simple & effective solution to "locking" your Ford NACS adapter -- 3D Print Lock

    Probably not the worst idea to design the lock to work with the key that comes with the fob. That way it isn't proprietary if you lose it while charging.
  10. Suggestions to Ford

    - Immediate precondition - Side mirrors open when vehicle is started, not when unlocked - Mirror tilt down when reversing Option if you have precondition set to start the charging at 2AM for example so the battery is fully charged and already warm at say 6AM opposed to charging as soon as you...
  11. CSP 24B56 Front Sensor Fix, Done by dealer but now an issue with my 12v battery?

    When I had this done they changed the 12V battery after under warranty.
  12. Installed FCSP, Generator Inlet, MTS, Subpanel, Conduit, and my entire body hurts.

    I'd imagine there's another shutoff inside, but from the pic it appears your natural gas shutoff is open.
  13. Sport Mode all the time

    There's no agree or disagree. It's true or false. Take 2 identical trucks to a drag strip and run them each 5 times. The 1st truck you floor it every single time. The 2nd truck you accelerate gracefully. Do you really think that after 5 runs they're going to use the same amount of energy...
  14. Sport Mode all the time

  15. 20k, 18mths - High Volt Batt issue and Wall Charger Issue

    Would this not be covered by the 8/100?
  16. Leaves in the radiator? Why is it designed like this?

    I bet those grills restrict more airflow than a couple leaves.
  17. Preowned pedal area

    TuxMat is far and away the best mats.
