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  1. New Owner Intro, 24 Flash

    The whole assembly just rattled. Somthing was loose apparently. no idea on leather brand. Local shop did it.
  2. New Owner Intro, 24 Flash

    Gear selector lever Gear selector module Steering clock spring All replaced Nothing noted on brake assembly but they tightened something up, as rattle is gone. Nothing found to fix or replace with reduced powertrain function errors. Service manager indicated gear selector module was culprit...
  3. New Owner Intro, 24 Flash

    Yeah that was my thought. It’s certainly not something i have spent a single second worrying about. Or ever will.
  4. New Owner Intro, 24 Flash

    I don’t know. They gave me a loaner F150 STX with 6 miles on it. Brand new. Everything inside rattles. While truck shakes with rough idle. Lurches into gear. 6 miles.
  5. New Owner Intro, 24 Flash

    Truck continues to throw the drivetrain error often. And yesterday got a new one, shifter malfunction. Made an appointment at the local dealer and I’m dropping it off there shortly for the balance of the week. Timing is good since I am out of town for business until Saturday. They are going to...
  6. Help - stranded

    correct. 90 mins later.
  7. Toyo Open Country A/T 3 EV

    Rough country. 2” front level kit.
  8. Help - stranded

    ...and now I'm searching for that
  9. Help - stranded

    Already did. They said no action needed
  10. Help - stranded

    WAY more than 3! Hell probably 25 trying different things.
  11. Rattling brake pedal

    Haven't considered that...but I don't disagree.
  12. Help - stranded

    I don’t disagree with the implementation…I guess. But it’s poorly done if it winds up disabling the vehicle for 90 mins. The lack of an override is a huge design flaw imo.
  13. Installed Toyo Open Country AT3 EV 116 T XL All-Terrain Tires

    Help me understand the range impact here and how it could impact planning on a trip. since the tires are larger and I’m traveling further per rotation, the range estimate shown on the truck should be LOW, correct? I should be able to travel further than the truck thinks (actual miles). And to...
  14. F150 Lightning FORScan thread - Version 2

    Adjusted my tire circumference with Forscan last week. Today i had to disconnect the 12v while troubleshooting a shifter issue. my tire size changes were lost. Speedo is off again. is this normal? I thought we were making programmatic changes?
  15. Help - stranded

    I guess the moral of the story is never, never, never (EVER) open a door if not in park.
  16. Help - stranded

    So the tow truck shows up, we press the start button to put it in neutral, and the shifter magically rolls forward into park and everything is just fine. It just sat for an hour and fixed itself I guess. I swear, this thing is a buggy ass computer
  17. Help - stranded

    Definitely something with the shifter. When you press the button you get no click or feedback. It’s just dead.
