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    Who backs the Granger warranty? If something should happen and Granger folds, is there any value to the warranty? Do you pay the local mechanic/dealer directly and what if they refuse to take payment other from me?
  2. Is this a scam, if so, what’s the scam? $32K for a fully loaded Lariat ER with 8K miles…

    100% a scam... 14 day return on a truck? They'll even pick it up? Free 6 month warranty? So many troubling signs of "too good to be true" here.
  3. Incentives on a 2022?

    I believe there are 2 types of incentives... factory, which doesn't affect the dealer, and dealer, which reduces their cost and, theoretically, should be passed onto the customer. A google search didn't turn up any 2022 incentives, though I'd certainly suspect there would be some.
  4. Incentives on a 2022?

    The dealer can't/won't tell you?
  5. Florida blocks direct sales by Ford, must go thru Dealers

    Stealerships are doing everything they can to continue their stealing All this is going to do is hurt the legacy brands... possibly to the point of putting them out of business, at least in certain states.
  6. Finally got the invite after 18 months and now I have cold feet.......

    Ditto, down to the last degree. So glad someone didn't take the 22 Lariat ER I ended up getting.
  7. 12/15 Wave Open

    I'm in the same position. Took someone else's Lariat off the dealer's hands at the end of August. I'll probably just let the invite expire since I don't need a second truck and the price increases plus my losing the fed tax credit for 2023 makes the price astronomical in comparison.
  8. F-150 Lightning Owners Registry & Stats [Add Yours]! 📊

    Thunder and Lightning, very, very frightning ;-)
  9. F-150 Lightning Owners Registry & Stats [Add Yours]! 📊

    Got lucky and fell into one that someone else couldn't take for some reason and the dealership (Preferred Ford in Grand Haven, MI) went down the list of reservations rather than slapping ADM on it and putting it on the lot! Wasn't sure I wanted the Lariat trim, but here we are. :)
  10. List: F-150 Lightning dealers that do / don't apply ADM (price markup)

    My reservation number remained intact. The refund from the original dealer came today. We'll see if I get charged $100 from the new one... though "Sarah" at Ford made no mention of that happening.
  11. List: F-150 Lightning dealers that do / don't apply ADM (price markup)

    Just moved mine this morning and Ford Marketing absolutely told me that I would not lose my place in line while also telling me that the $100 reservation would be refunded due to the move.
  12. List: F-150 Lightning dealers that do / don't apply ADM (price markup)

    Thanks Ducky! Will be calling you next week and moving my reservation from the east side of the state to the west. A 2.5 hour drive beats the hell out of paying "market adjustments."
  13. List: F-150 Lightning dealers that do / don't apply ADM (price markup)

    So far I can't even get a response out of my dealer here in Michigan - Lasco in Fenton. Think it's time to go looking elsewhere in the state for an honest dealer.
