are right. The FordPass App doesn't show the Tesla Chargers at the Premium Outlet as being available ....yet. I would assume that it's just a matter of time before they become operative for the Lightning. Still, it was fun plowing the Lariat diagonally into a Tesla slot, if only for...
I also just received mine. I immediately went to our local charging stations in the Jersey Shore Premium Outlets in Neptune. This place is great, with over 12 Tesla charging stations and 6 EV charging stations. Unfortunately, I ran into 2 problems ( aside from the quizzical stares I received...
I also use the Ford Mobile Charger exclusively to charge my 2022 SR Lariat. I plug it in at my house on a 110v circuit for an overnight charge and use my son's 240v dedicated outlet at his house for a quicker charge. I usually charge at 80% at both locations. To date, I have had absolutely no...
Thanks. August 10th will mark my first year anniversary of owning and driving my Lariat Lightning. I'm going to try to post a not too wordy description of my year's experience. Sneak's been great!
Thanks for the response. That being said, overly optimistic or not, it was still pretty neat to see the 270 mile range displayed on the screen. Theoretical or reality, I'll see what happens on my future road trip. As an aside, I'm a 73 year old senior and I usually do drive less than 50...
I recently decided to charge my 2022 SR Lightning Lariat at a full 100% charge. Since I only put on about 35-40 miles a day, I usually set the charging limit to 90% and plug it in overnight in a Level 1 charging outlet at my house. I have a 240v Level 2 outlet at my son's house, which I use on...
On a recent trip to Cape Cod, I used EA in Hyannis and the Waterford Commons in Conn. I had no problems at either of these charging stations. In fact, at both of these locations I was able to charge using EA's Hyper Charger at 350w. Unfortunately the Hyannis charging station is the ONLY level 3...