I have the same toyo AT III EV tires. I paid $368 each. I love the look and feel of them. I also lost maybe 5% range and increased road noise in the cabin, but not bad. I am use to it already.
Just had it out in the snow and it performed well. I don't have a picture of it in the snow though.
I do not know your story or all of your complaints. It seems you have a standard-range Lightning. I've briefly checked your post history, and it seems that you have a standard-range Lightning and enjoy traveling at +77mph.
My area has few highways above 65 mph, but I often speed at around 75...
This seems pretty cool to me. I may consider it. What do you guys think of this embossed f150 letters? https://accessories.ford.com/exterior-trim-kit-by-tufskinz%C2%AE-tailgate-lettering-matte-black
Wondering if I should get standard flat black or not.
So, I am a software engineer and pretty good mechanically. Thought I might start paying attention to openpilot and maybe contribute if I can find the time.
So, if I make a custom harness and purchase the comma 3x then I should have a safe working system? So the only thing stopping comma from...
I want to keep watching this. I may get this for my wife's rav4. Sounds like the faults are understood to be a cable issue for the Lightning.
I am still learning but it looks like sunny pilot will drive better, center better, driver further, and lane change? While also being less annoying...
Thanks for letting me know. I am 1372 Even though I was only 55 minutes late. So all the other forums and reddit posts are helping it surge up. I imagine they have alot produced and they make a good bit if them a day. They probably have like 6k already. I am sure we get them late March early or...
That almost seems worth it to trade up. I could lower my miles from 21k to 0. New fresh vehicle (22 to 23), battery, and tires; with no wear and tear.
Edmuds gave me an estimated offer from carmax of $43,700 to $54,444. If carmax offered the max then maybe I could upgrade with some fees...
I also have this gap. Took me a second to find this topic. Didn't want to start another thread if one existed. Sitting at a dealership now for a recall. Doubt I will say anything because it doesn't seem like there is a fix at all. Rather them not mess something up and waste my time.
So I can have ford preorder my tail light bar? I don't want to leave my truck overnight. I didn't have any issues until I started leaving the truck outside. Now I see condensation in there.
I wasn't as lucky as some of people in here. Mine fried because the lugs got loose. Ford didn't want to replace it and wanted to blame my private electrician. I probably was to forth coming with my knowledge of out it worked and why it wasn't working so instead of just sending me a new unit they...